Agrisera team is eager to meet you during the following meetings in 2018:

Arctic clinical tuberculosis meeting, 25.01-26.01, Umeå, Sweden
Molecular Biology of Plants, 20.02-23.02, Dabringhausen, Germany
The Mycotoxin Forum, 12.03-14-03, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Umeå Cell Biology Symposium, 30.05-31.05, Umeå, Sweden
Pivotal Links, partnering meeting, 19.06-20.06, Oxford, UK
Plant Biology Europe, 18.06-21.06, Copenhagen, Denmark
1st European Congress on Photosynthesis Research (ePS-1), 25.06-28.06, Uppsala, Sweden
International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR), 25.06-29.06, Turku, Finland
ASPB Plant Biology, 14.07-18.07, Montreal, Canada
International Plant Molecular Biology, 5.08-10.08, Mont Peulier, France
Umea Plant Science Day, 6.09-7.09, Umeå, Sweden
Medica 2018, 12.11-15.11, Dusseldorf, Germany

Meetings which are going to be supported by Agrisera in 2018:

The 27th Annual Western Photosynthesis Conference, 4.01-7.01, Oracle, Arizona, USA
The 35th Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, 4.05-6.05, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA
Target of rapamycin (TOR) signalingin photosynthetic organisms in photosynthetic organisms, 15.05-19.05, Bischoffsheim, France
Advanced imaging of cellular processes in vitro and in vivo, 25.05-27.05, Stockholm University, Sweden
The 18th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, 17.06-21.06, Carnegie, USA
Plant Molecular Biology Meeting, 4.07-7.07, Salamanca, Spain
13th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference (ENFC), 18.08-21.08, Stockholm, Sweden
International Association for Plant Biology Congress, 19.08-24.08, Dublin, Irland
The 6th European Workshop on Peptides and Receptors Signalling in Plants, 5.09-7.09, Málaga, Spain
1st international Plant Systems Biology meeting (iPSB), 10.10-14.10, Roscoff, France
Neuroscience 2018, 12.11-15.11, San Diego, USA

 Agrisera News

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