Agrisera team is eager to meet you during the following meetings in 2017:

Umeå Renewable Energy Meeting, Umeå, Sweden
Root2017, 29.05-1.06, Umeå, Sweden
International Conference of Arabidopsis Research (ICAR), 19.06-23.06, St. Louis, USA
American Society of Plant Biology Annual Meeting, 24.06-28.06, Honolulu, USA
Nordic Plant Biology days 2017 - 27th SPPS Congress, Naantali, Finland
50 years of plant research, Umeå Plant Science Centre, 21.08-23.08, Umeå, Sweden
Germany International Congress of the German Society of Botanists, 17.09-21.09, Kiel, Germany

Meetings which are going to be supported by Agrisera in 2017:

26th Western Photosynthesis Conference (WPC2017), 5.01-8.01, USA
Molecular biology of plants, 21.02-24.02, Dabringhausen, Germany
Plant autophagy: Improving crop and energy production, 23.03-24.03, Madrid, Spain
National Conference on Biotechology and Environment, 10.04-11.04, New Dehli, India
ERPC 34rd Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, 28.04-30.04, Woods Hole, USA
Global Herbicide Resistance Challenge, 14.05-18.05, Denver, USA
Spanish Plant Physiology Society Annual Meeting, 26.06-29.06, Barcelona, Spain
SEB Annual Meeting, 3.07-6.07, Gothenburg, Sweden
GRC conference: Photosynthetic Plasticity: From the Environment to Synthetic Systems, 16.07-21.07, Sunday River Newry, ME, USA
Molecular control of flower development, 3.09-7.09, Italy
N-term 2017: Proteostasis via the N-terminus, 11.09-13.09, Halle, Germany
8th conference of the Polish Society of Experimental Biology, 12-09-16.09, Białystok, Poland
Cologne Excellent Women in Science International Symposium, 5.10-6.10, Cologne, Germany
Photosynthesis and hydrogen energy research for sustainability, 30.10-4.11, Hyderbad, India

 Agrisera News

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