Agrisera continues a very fruitful collaboration with the Faculty of Biology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. The Faculty recently obtained a status of a KNOW center – Leading National Research Centre, together with the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznan. This status, assigned through competition, can only be given to institutions carrying out scientific research at the highest level and providing PhD studies of the highest quality. Both units are well known for their studies on RNA structure, function, and metabolism. Poznan RNA Research Centre will get additional money to support various aspects of RNA research: from basic research on RNA metabolism in bacteria, plants and human, through more applied studies on RNA viruses and the role of RNA in cancer and inherited diseases and their therapies, up to the development of bioinformatics tools allowing advanced structure-function studies. Many new antibodies for proteins involved in RNA metabolism will be produced in a near future. To learn more about the Poznan RNA research Centre visit their KNOW center Poznan.