Agrisera Antibodies Commercial antibodies are developed to various antigens (more information about procedures can be found in Agrisera Antibody Production Guide), often being recombinant proteins of full length, truncated or 7-20 amino acid long peptides. Development of antibodies against specific peptides is a common approach for cases where a specific isoform of a protein family is to be targeted. Therefore, such an antibody will often be rather isoform and species-specific.
Based on antigen sequence, it is possible to predict if the antibody in question has the potential to work on a protein from species not listed on the product information sheet. Agrisera product information sheets list both confirmed reactivity (based on experimental results), and predicted reactivity (resulting from sequence alignment of the peptide sequence used to elicit given antibody). 

If information regarding a specific sequence used to elicit given antibody is not available - please contact us with your question, and provide us with the protein sequence you are aiming to detect. Even if there is some conservation level found in protein alignment, it is crucial to know if the sequence of the antigen used to elicit a given antibody is conserved in your protein sequence, and to what extent.

This will save you money and time in the future. You are welcome to contact us with your question!
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