"Reporting research antibody use: how to increase experimental reproducibility", reporting format for experiments conducted with antibodies should include many important details like: antibody name, catalog number, as well as a batch number, company/academic that supplied the antibody, the host species in which antibody was raised, and its clonality (yes, monoclonal antibody are no longer only rised in mice but also in other species like rabbit or chicken). At present, product number and company name are the absolute minimum required to identify an antibody, but this is, however, still often omitted. Companies, including Agrisera, carry multiple antibodies to the same protein, and finding an antibody matching the work might thus be quite an effort. Furthermore, there is actually a batch-to-batch variation in the antibody world, which might undermine efforts to repeat certain results. In a blog post from CiteAb, you can find useful suggestions on how to cite the antibodies used in your publications.
Over the years, Agrisera antibodies were cited in thousands of publications, and we are working hard to match them with our specific products. A list of chosen scientific references with Agrisera antibodies can be found here.