Agrisera team is eager to meet you during the following meetings in Septmber 2009:

Eco-physiological aspects of plant responses to environmental stress, 16.09-19.09, Kraków, Poland,

The 4th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Biology, Kraków, Poland, 21.09-25.09

We were present on following meetings this year:

4th European senescense network meeting (SenNet), Arvidsjaur, Sweden, 20.02-24.02

Annual meeting of Society of Experimental Biology, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Plant biology sessions 28.06-1.07

Arabidopsis 2009  Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 30.06 - 4.07

Meetings supported by Agrisera in 2009:

18th Western Photosynthesis Conference, 8.01-11.01, California, USA

4th European senescense network meeting (SenNet), Arvidsjaur, Sweden, 20.02-24.02

Plant abiotic stress tolerance, 8.02-11.02, Vienna, Austria

Cilia,mucus &  mucociliary interactions, 22.02-27.02, Lucca, Italy

5th International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, 25.05-29.05, Florence, Italy

III PanAmerican plant membrane biology workshop, 27.05-31.05, Puebla,Mexico

Protein complexes in signaling and development , Glasgow, 25.06 -27.06

Gordon Research Conference - Photosynthesis, 28.06-3.07, Smithfields, USA

ROS,Plant reactive oxygen meeting, 8.07-10.07, Helsinki, Finland

18th Photosynthesis workshop, 20.08-21.08, Potsdam/Golm, Germany

1st International Conference on Retrograde Signaling in Plants,  1-3.09,  Berlin, Germany

Plants for the future, 06.09-10.09,Leipzig, Germany

XI Spanish-Portuguese Congress of Plant Physiology, 8.09-11.09, Zaragoza, Spain

9th IPMB Congress, 25.09-30.09, St. Louis, USA



 Agrisera News

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