Potocols > Chlorophyll measurements

Courtesy of Wolfgang Schröder, Umeå University.


  1. 5 µL Chlorophyll in 995 ml 80% aceton = dilution factor 200.
  2. Leave on ice 10 min.
  3. Spin 10 min Eppendorf centrifuge max.

Measure abs at 646.6 nm, 663.6 nm and 750 nm.

Subtract absorbance at 750 from 646.6 and 663.6 nm.

Calculate chla and chlb, total chl and a/b ratio.

Chl a (µg Chl/ml) = 12.25 A⁶⁶³·⁶ – 2.55 A⁶⁴⁶·⁶
Chl b (µg Chl/ml) = 20.31 A⁶⁴⁶·⁶– 4.91 A⁶⁶³·⁶
Chl a+b (µg Chl/ml) = 17.76 A⁶⁴⁶·⁶ + 7.34 A⁶⁶³·⁶
