Plant organelle/membrane isolation
- Mitochondrial fraction
- Nuclear fraction
- Plasma membrane fraction
- Thylakoid extraction
- Arabidopsis thylakoid preparation
- Arabidopsis thylakoid extraction
- Arabidopsis lumen extraction
- BBY preparation
- Chlorophyll measurements
- PSII RC extraction for cryo-EM
- Extraction of leaf proteins
- Diatom protein extraction
- Phenol protein extraction
- Protein extraction from grasses
- Ponceau membrane staining
- TCA acetone precipitation method
- Collection of articles
- Western blot protocol
- Western blot video tutorial
- Peptide neutralization/competition assay
- Simultaneous Western blot
- Quantitative Western blot
- Quantitative Western blot video tutorial
- Western blot troubleshooting
- Western blot using IgY
- Dot blot
- Immunoprecipitation
- Immunoprecipitation/IgY
- Immunohistochemistry
- Anti-KLH antibody removal
- Yolk delipidation
- Meiotic staining
Technical information
Antibody typesPurification
- Antibody purification
- Antibody purification - small amount of protein
- IgY purification methods
- Protein purification using antibodies
- Elution of antibodies from affinity columns
Protocols > Arabidopsis thaliana thylakoid extractionCourtesy of Prof. Wolfgang Schröder, Umeå University.General things
Thylakoid isolation
Exchange2 x 50 g = 100 g leaf ≈ 30 mg Chl Thylakoids3 x 50 g = 150 g Arabidopsis leaf ≈ 60 mg Chl Thylakoids BuffersGrinding buffer, 1 L
Just before use add 2 g of both BSA and sodium ascorbate in one liter of Grinding buffer. Wash buffer, 500 ml
Shock buffer, 500 ml
Stack buffer, 250 ml