Plant organelle/membrane isolation
- Mitochondrial fraction
- Nuclear fraction
- Plasma membrane fraction
- Thylakoid extraction
- Arabidopsis thylakoid preparation
- Arabidopsis thylakoid extraction
- Arabidopsis lumen extraction
- BBY preparation
- Chlorophyll measurements
- PSII RC extraction for cryo-EM
- Extraction of leaf proteins
- Diatom protein extraction
- Phenol protein extraction
- Protein extraction from grasses
- Ponceau membrane staining
- TCA acetone precipitation method
- Collection of articles
- Western blot protocol
- Western blot video tutorial
- Peptide neutralization/competition assay
- Simultaneous Western blot
- Quantitative Western blot
- Quantitative Western blot video tutorial
- Western blot troubleshooting
- Western blot using IgY
- Dot blot
- Immunoprecipitation
- Immunoprecipitation/IgY
- Immunohistochemistry
- Anti-KLH antibody removal
- Yolk delipidation
- Meiotic staining
Technical information
Antibody typesPurification
- Antibody purification
- Antibody purification - small amount of protein
- IgY purification methods
- Protein purification using antibodies
- Elution of antibodies from affinity columns
Protocols > Mitochondrial FractionThis mitochondrial preparation is for etiolated corn seedlings, but it can be used to prepare crude mitos from any plant tissue. Change the volumes to match the amount of plant material available. For some plant tissues, it is useful to add a little sand when grinding the tissue. Important remarks before you start:
PrecautionsUntil the time of mitochondrial isolation all plants should be kept in the darkness for min 8 h. Plant material should not contain any harder plant parts. Proposed tissue amount 15 g/60 ml of homogenization buffer. Leaf tissue should be quickly and thoroughly cut followed by 3 min of homogenization. It is important to keep all materials cold (4°C) and work swiftly while grinding and spinning. Procedure
Solutions RequiredGRINDING MEDIUM: 350 mM Mannitol; 30 mM Mops, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.6
WASH MEDIUM: 300 mM Mannitol, 20 mM Mops, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.2
SUSPENSION MEDIUM: 250 mM Sucrose, 30 mM Mops, pH 7.2
Courtesy of Dr. Thomas Elthon |