Protocols > Ponceau membrane staining


  1. Prepare staining solution (see below). Store it in a dark bottle because the stain is light sensitive. The solution can be reused.
  2. After a transfer wash the membrane well (2 x 5 min) in Mili-Q water to get rid of any salt.
  3. Pour Ponceau staining solution on the membrane and wait 1 min.
  4. Wash the membrane in 1% acetic acid to clear the background.
  5. Wrap membrane in plastic and scan.
  6. Rinse the plastic box well. Rinse the membrane with Mili-Q water and wash with Western Wash buffer (2 x 5 min).
  7. Continue with blocking.

Staining solution

0.2% Panceau S
3% acetic acid Mili-Q water
