Plant organelle/membrane isolation
- Mitochondrial fraction
- Nuclear fraction
- Plasma membrane fraction
- Thylakoid extraction
- Arabidopsis thylakoid preparation
- Arabidopsis thylakoid extraction
- Arabidopsis lumen extraction
- BBY preparation
- Chlorophyll measurements
- PSII RC extraction for cryo-EM
- Extraction of leaf proteins
- Diatom protein extraction
- Phenol protein extraction
- Protein extraction from grasses
- Ponceau membrane staining
- TCA acetone precipitation method
- Collection of articles
- Western blot protocol
- Western blot video tutorial
- Peptide neutralization/competition assay
- Simultaneous Western blot
- Quantitative Western blot
- Quantitative Western blot video tutorial
- Western blot troubleshooting
- Western blot using IgY
- Dot blot
- Immunoprecipitation
- Immunoprecipitation/IgY
- Immunohistochemistry
- Anti-KLH antibody removal
- Yolk delipidation
- Meiotic staining
Technical information
Antibody typesPurification
- Antibody purification
- Antibody purification - small amount of protein
- IgY purification methods
- Protein purification using antibodies
- Elution of antibodies from affinity columns
Protocols > ELISAIndirect ELISA - wells are coated with the antigen (protein or peptide) and subsequently incubated with a sample containing antigen-specific antibodies (serum, yolk, affinity purified antibodies or others). This step is followed by incubation with a secondary antibody, coupled to an enzyme such as HRP or ALP, for reaction development. Buffers
Other material
ProcedureCoating (first trial)
Pipet 100 µl of protein/peptide solution to each well using multi-channel pipet. Incubate over night at 4°C (cover the plate) or at 30°C for 2 hours. Blocking (optional)No washing step needed if blocking directly follows coupling of the antigen onto a plate. Pipet 200 µl of blocking solution to each well. Incubate at 4°C overnight or 2 hours at 30°C. WashingVery important step. Wash plates at least 3 times, gently. Sample loadingDilution series: from 1: 100 to 1: 100 000. Include a blank (no sample, but secondary antibody added and developing solution). Yolk: heat to RT and dilute before applying on ELISA plate. More info here. Incubation time: 1 h and 10 min on shaker, or 2 h with no shaking. Incubation with secondary antibodyFollow recommendations of secondary antibody producer. Usually the higher dilution the better. At least 1: 10 000. Incubation time: 30 min on shaker, 1.5 h min with no shaking. Reaction developmentMany different reagents are on the market. Make sure that the reagent contains the right substrate e.g. for HRP or ALP, depending what you use. One Step substrates are working fine (no need to prepare them before the assay).
ELISA troubleshootingNo signal or a very weak signal
High background present
Non-specific color development on the plate
Strange results
Poor standard curve obtained
Recommended literature about ELISA
Useful references