Proteins transferred to PVDF membrane can be further denatured and unfolded by drying a membrane following the transfer. This procedure may help to make antibody binging places on a target protein more accessible.  The steps are as follows:
  • Following protein transfer to a PVDF membrane*, place a membrane protein side up on a Whatmann filter paper at RT.
  • Let it dry for 60 minutes at RT
  • Store it for further use, up to 6 months** or proceed with the next Western blot step:
  • Activate PVDF in methanol, was with sterile, destilled water and place in TBS-T or PBS-T buffer for 5 minutes, before blocking.
  • Start a blocking process in nonfat milk or other blocking agent of your choice.

* nitrocellulose membrane cannot be dried up this way

** PVDF membrane is stored in a plastic bag with a zipper or between Whatmann sheets until further use

Why PVDF membrane is dried up following protein transfer


 Technical tips

Technical tips
