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SA000001  |  Clonality: Polyclonal  |  Host: Rabbit  |  Reactivity: higher plants and algae

This set includes three discounted, well published, compartment marker antibodies of your choice. Benefits of using this antibody set

Related products:
SA000002 | Plant Cell Compartment Antibody Marker Set | 5 antibodies
SA000003 | Plant Cell Compartment Antibody Marker Set | 10 antibodies
786 €
AS20 4402 | Clonality: Polyclonal  |  Host: Rabbit |  Reactivity: Arabidopsis thaliana | Marker antibody of pre-vacuolar compartments (PVC)
380 €
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AS09 577A Clonality: Polyclonal  |  Host: Goat  |  Reactivity: Higher plants including A.thaliana, A.strigosa, M. truncatula, N. tabacum, S. lycopersicum

329 €
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AS09 577 | Clonality: Polyclonal | Host: Goat | Reactivity: Higher plants including A.thaliana, A.strigosa, N. tabacum, S. lycopersicum

428 €
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AS07 213  |  Clonality: Polyclonal  |  Host: Rabbit  |  Reactivity: Higher plants including A.comosus, A.thaliana, C.sativus, C. australis R.Br, C.reinhardtii, F. margarita Swingle, H.vulgare, L.esculentum, L.longiflorum, Malus x domestica Borkh. c.v. Fuji, M. truncatula, M.crystallinum, N.tabacum, N.caerulescens, O.sativa, P.hybrida cv. Mitchell, Populus sp., P.vittata, Thellungiella sp., T. aestivum, Z.mays, V. vinifera |  Cellular [compartment marker] of tonoplast membrane

329 €
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AS07 208  |  Clonality: Polyclonal  |  Host: Rabbit  |  Reactivity: N. benthamiana, N. clevilandii, N. tabacum, Phalenopsis, P.abies, S.lycopersicum, S. tuberosum, V. vinifera | compartment marker of vacuolar contents

428 €
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AS07 207  |  Clonality: Polyclonal  |  Host: Rabbit  |  Reactivity: A. stolonifera cv. ‘Penncross’C. annuum, N. tabacum, P. abies, S. esculentum, S. lycopersicum, S. tuberosum, V. vinifera | Cellular marker of vacuolar contents

428 €
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