AS12 2580 | Clonality: Polyclonal | Host: Rabbit | Reactivity: Arabidopsis thaliana, Solanum lycopersicum

AS12 2581 | Clonality: Polyclonal | Host: Rabbit | Reactivity: Arabidopsis thaliana, Solanum lycopersicum

AS12 2582 | Clonality: Polyclonal | Host: Rabbit | Reactivity: Arabidopsis thaliana, Solanum lycopersicum, Solanum tuberosum

This set contains 5 Cell wall antibodies of your choice, chosen from a drop down menu. The size for each antibody is 1 ml.

This set contains 3 Cell wall antibodies of your choice, chosen from a drop down menu.

This set includes three discounted, well published, compartment marker antibodies of your choice. Benefits of using this antibody set
Related products:
SA000002 | Plant Cell Compartment Antibody Marker Set | 5 antibodies
SA000003 | Plant Cell Compartment Antibody Marker Set | 10 antibodies