Anti-RPSA | 30S ribosomal protein S1 (bacterial)

Product no: AS19 4305

AS19 4305   | Clonality: Polyclonal  |  Host: Rabbit  | Reactivity: Escherichia coli and many other procaryotes

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  • Product Info
  • Immunogen: KLH-conjugated peptide derived from RPSA of E.coli, UniProt: P0AG67
    Host: Rabbit
    Clonality: Polyclonal
    Purity: Immunogen affinity purified serum in PBS pH 7.4.
    Format: Lyophilized
    Quantity: 50 µg
    Reconstitution: For reconstitution add 50 µl, of sterile water
    Storage: Store lyophilized/reconstituted at -20°C; once reconstituted make aliquots to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Please remember to spin the tubes briefly prior to opening them to avoid any losses that might occur from material adhering to the cap or sides of the tube.
    Tested applications: ELISA (ELISA), Western blot (WB)
    Recommended dilution: 1: 100 (ELISA), 1: 3000 (WB)
    Expected | apparent MW: 61 kDa
  • Reactivity
  • Confirmed reactivity: Escherichia coli
    Predicted reactivity: bacteria, Legionella pneumophila
    Not reactive in: No confirmed exceptions from predicted reactivity are currently known
  • Application Examples
  • Western blot using anti-RpsA (bacterial) antibodies

    6 µg/well of total protein extracted freshly from E. coli strains MG1655, 536, UTI89, RS218, IHE3034 and IHE3034ΔycgG2 with 20mM Tris buffer and extracted by freeze-thawing (3 cycles). The samples were then centrifuged for 30 min at 13 000 rpm and the protein content of the supernatants was subject to measuring with the BCA method. The proteins were separated on an 10 % SDS-PAGE and blotted onto a PVDF (pore size of 0,42 µm) membrane, using semi-dry transfer. The membrane was blocked with 5 % milk at 4°C/ON with agitation, followed by washing in PBS-T buffer (3 times for 15 min) before it was incubated with the primary antibody at a dilution of 1: 3 000 in PBS-T for 1h/RT with agitation. After that, the membrane was washed once for 30 min and 2 times for 15 min in PBST at RT with agitation. Then it was incubated in Agrisera matching secondary antibody (anti-rabbit IgG horse radish peroxidase conjugated AS09 602) diluted 1:30 000 in PBS-T for 1h/RT with agitation. Finally, the immunoblot membrane was washed for 15 minutes three times with PBS-T and developed for 5 min with Agrisera ECLBright before imaging with a LAS 4000 image reader. Exposure time was 30 seconds.

    Courtesy of Moa Näsman/the Uhlin's Lab, Umeå University, Sweden

  • Additional Information
  • Additional information (application): Antibody has been tested purified ribosomes from E.coli. Reactivity of this antibody in Western blot remains to be determined.
  • Background
  • Background: RPSA or 30S ribosomal protein S1 (bacterial) is required for translation of most natural mRNAs.
  • Protocols
  • Antibody Protocols
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AS09 602 |  Clonality: Polyclonal | Host: Goat | Reactivity: Rabbit IgG (H&L)

219 €
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AS05 085  |  Clonality: Polyclonal  |  Host: Rabbit  |  Reactivity: [global antibody] for plant, green alga, animal and bacterial F-type ATP synthases

Benefits of using this antibody

329 €
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AS10 715 | Clonality: Polyclonal  |  Host: Rabbit  |  Reactivity: Candidatus Moranella endobia PCIT , Escherichia DH5a, Escherichia coli BW 25113, Shigella flexneri

329 €
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